Sunday, 9 November 2014

False Nails:

False nails are the most annoying thing right? I mean why do I continue to put myself through this hell of sticking plastic painted claws that stop me from being able to have any use of my hands? However, no matter how bad these things annoy me, I'm probably not going to ever stop wearing them, they are just so much better than natural nails! So, this post isn't just a rant. It's how to make false nails easier in all ways.

1. Firstly, some people try to paint false nails before you put them on. DON'T. Painting them before is a nightmare. Having to find a way to hold the nail and paint it whilst staying paint free is a challenge of its own. So I recommend gluing them on first before painting them.

2. Next, MAKE SURE THEY ARE PRACTICAL. Seriously, If you are spending all day in a bust workplace of at school maybe stiletto nails aren't the best. I learnt this from experience considering I used extremely sharp nails whilst at school: BIG MISTAKE. Make sure if you want stiletto nails to get short ones because they can look just as good and still be practical enough to open cans of coke. 

3. Also, make sure they fit. False nails should look real because otherwise they look amateur and never look as nice. If you buy false nails they should come in a range of sizes so don't use all of the same shape on all the nails otherwise they wont fit in the nail bed. 

4. Finally, Remember to give your nails a break! Nail glue is practically the same as superglue! Just think I am putting practically superglue on my nails on a daily basis, is that really safe? As long as now and again you give them a break, your nails should stay healthy and strong as ever! 

Hope this helped you all 
xoxo Charlie 

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